Maybe some people heard that TG has amazing turbo and advantage.
Actually, it is truth.
If you think that this recipe has few monsers, I'll just say "This is enough".
TG has amazing adding ability.So we don't need many monster.

Do you know "Generation Shift"?
Generation Shift is precious card in TG.
It destroy 1 my monster and adds same card in your deck.
And then, TG adds1 another TG monsters in end phase.
And It can avoid "Bottemless Hole" or "Dimensional Prison"
Tg provides super duper consistency lol.
답글삭제With the abusing of Swap and EM01 TGs become nasty and motherless.
Esp. Wonder Bitch. That bitch really rapes people and even though you kill her they still get a draw lol. And whats more motherless that it is spammable by this little shota-con cyber magician.
Right now, I am trying Miracle Synchro Fusion. Do u think Supreme Wizard Arcanite Magician is beneficial for this deck? At least you get a 3400 beatstick lol